

MvH was coached by a coaching during the program

“The coaching program was an interesting and motivating trajectory. The most important results I gained was the growth I experienced on skills such as “planning”, “drive” and “assertiveness/courage”. During the program I became conscious of impediments in my functioning. I broke the patterns where it was possible and I learned how I can recognize these patterns and how I can correct it when I fall back into old behaviour. The tools I learned support me that I can continue expanding these positive developments on my own. I am grateful to the coach and the organisation that I had the opportunity to participate. I would recommend this to people who want to upgrade their performance, because of the many results in a short period of time.


Andre was coached by a coach during the program

“In the period January till March 2012 I was being coached by a coach from ExtraMile. The results after three months were astounding. The coaching from ExtraMile helped me in my personal as well as in my business development. The tools I learned gave me support and direction to work in a more structured way, to improve cooperation within teams, to be more focused during daily activities, to solve disruptions and to excel in successes. I would recommend this coaching to everyone.”

Cesar Lopes

“In 2010 I enrolled in the program of ExtraMile Academy. What I like about the program is that I worked on my own performance first before coaching others in it. I still use the tools on a daily basis and of course in my coaching conversations. Next to personal coaching and couple’s coaching I use the tools in my other activities, such as teaching at the Hogeschool in Rotterdam.”

Susanne van Elteren

“I followed the program of ExtraMile Academy in 2011. During the program I upgraded my own performance in my role as project leader, because of how the program is built. Right now I use the tools during coaching conversations. I’m also developing a regional shared service center by combining different back offices. In this process I use the tools daily and I experience that my team “flies” to their goal in an easy and fast way.”

Noreen Tulner

“In a short period of time I learned the skills and the attitude that belongs to a professional coach. During the program I got the structure to turn my passion into a promising product for the market. What I also appreciated about the program is that a lot of attention is being given to marketing. Right now I have my own company and I work as an independent coach!”

Ruud de Goeij

“When I participated in the Coach Academy program of ExtraMile the last puzzle pieces fell into place. What I missed in my coaching before I enrolled in the program, is now complete. People I coach and have coached are enthusiastic about the results! It’s also nice that I can still rely on the people of ExtraMile. It doesn’t only accelerate my learning process, but also that of my clients!”

Gerard Jansen

“I learned a lot during the program and especially from the trainer. It has been a long time that I learned something new with so much interest and pleasure. Content, atmosphere, leadership and the group were reasons for me to join the program. I appreciated the method the trainer used. The direct, clear and analysing aspects brought me a lot!”